Dec 23, 2014

Parking Pal FLOW CHART

Here you can see a Sketch of both, the information and users flow within the system.
Hope it helps to understand the goals we are pursuing.


Parking Pal Flow chart (please turn your head to the left to read)

Parking Pal Flow chart (please keep your head to the left to read)

Dec 2, 2014

The Opposition Review

Hi there, you beloved future users!
It is time to check what "The Others" are doing...

Personally I have found this Android App quite appealing and wished to tell you about it.
It is not exactly what we are aiming for (thank God for that!) but have some pretty good ideas to be considered. 

 A brief evaluation on my part...

The Desirable factor wins by landslide but does not shadow the other important aspects that make this app already recommended by 618 Google+ users (4.4 overall score) and downloaded by 100 to 500 thousand users. Not bad, not bad.

And here is the link for those of you already seduced by the idea:

Carrr Matey Android App

Nov 17, 2014

Parking Pal Survey Time!!!!

We have designed different Survey Forms because we have not one but many questions to ask to our prospective users. Here is one of them.

Parking Pal Survey Form

When you start asking others about your idea anything can happen. What you thought was important may become not so and aspects you didn't even considered become crucial in your design. Our case was not different and the Surveys have added some key new specifications to the original project.

Nov 15, 2014



1.      Gender
Male Female
2.      How long have you been a car driver?
6 months   6 months12 months  12 months

3.      What do you often drive to do?
Shopping Meeting  Family time Work Others
4.      How do you find the parking lot?
Google map Observation Ask others(passer-by) Parking App
5.      What do you care most about when parking?
Distance Space of parking spot Position of entrance Position of export Position of elevator Others
6.      What personal information would you like to provide to a parking system?
Job Type of car Family member Any form of physical handicap
Country others ____________________________________________

Oct 29, 2014

Brainstorming Session (nobody got hurt in the process)

Yesterday was discussion day :-)
We started with an interesting proposal aimed to combine capabilities between the Rental Car and the Parking Lot businesses as you can see in the sketch below.

Rental Car and Parking Lot Businesses Collaboration Sketch 

... and we ended in a whole different game where we are going to fill in the gap the navigation systems leave when we enter the parking lot premises in our scheduled journey. Below is the living proof we were there discussing ... some coffee was spilled in the creative process :-)

Parking Pal will finally try to do this

Oct 21, 2014

How to capture in a blog what is already in our heads

Hi there!

     This is our first post and, right now, our main concern is how to capture all that is happening around this project, the motivations, the brainstorming and trade-off decisions, in just some words, images and diagrams.

       We want to make it pretty too, so I guess the layout itself is going to evolve, change and change again, over and over till the day we finally like it.

       See you around!

The Parking Pal Team :-)